Step Out

The valley of decision is a hard place. It’s a place of choosing spirit over flesh. Jesus tells us that our spirits are willing, but our flesh is weak. The valley of decision is where the winds of the Holy Spirit blow hard against us, whirling around and around giving us no peace until we let go of our comfort zones and yield to His changes in our lives. The valley is a good place to be… but we are not equipped to stay there long and the Holy Storm will blow on by. So choose to trust God and step out…

Tidbit: E M Bounds: Prayer is no small thing…

Prayer is not a little habit pinned on to us while we were tied to our mother’s apron strings; neither is it a little decent quarter of a minute’s grace said over an hour’s dinner, but it is a most serious work of our most serious years. It engages more of time and appetite than our longest dinings or richest feasts. The prayer that makes much of our preaching must be made much of. The character of our praying will determine the character of our preaching. Light praying will make light preaching. Prayer makes preaching strong, gives it unction, and makes it stick. In every ministry weighty for good, prayer has always been a serious business.