Proverbs 18:15-16 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.🔹 The gift of God to a man or woman must be developed. One can not just think that a magic thing has happened and voila… great doors will be opened. No, become an expert of the gift the Lord has given you, and then be patient and persistent. The promise will be true.💕
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Kenneth Hagin: The pastor is involved in governments and helps. The pastor is head of the church. Christ is the Good Shepherd, the head of the body, the head of the whole church. (Pastor and shepherd mean the same thing.) The pastor of the local church and the local sheep is the undershepherd. Just as government of your whole body emanates from your head, so the government of the local church heads up in the pastoral office. The government of the local church is not in the deacon. That’s the reason many Full Gospel churches are in trouble. They are…