Author Unknown: Fighting For Lives


Father, I thank you that your word says that you are not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 peter 3:9

So father, thank you that Jesus is the propitiation for all the sins of the world. 1 john 2:2

Than you Father that you have already made the payment. It’s done. It’s not you that we are waiting on But now, ___, for whatever reason , has not received what you have already done… (2 Cor 4:4)
So, In the name of Jesus I declare that “Satan your blindness, whatever you are doing to stop this person from receiving the gospel … I break your dominion, I enforce what Jesus has done. You are a defeated foe and in the name of Jesus I command this blindness to be gone now … in the name of Jesus.
Matthew 9:38

Father I release laborers right now. If this person is in a bar, this person is at work doing whatever … I believe that spirit filled believers are coming across their path right now.
John 14:26

Holy Spirit, I believe that you are bringing back to their remembrance truths that you have shared with them.

Roberts Liardon: They just want to help…???

Religious politicians also want to make you dependent upon their approval. They like to sit in the great judgment seat of ministries. After the service, they take you behind closed doors and say, ‘All right, we want to critique you. You shouldn’t use words like ‘sin’ or ‘repent. We’re old—we’ve been around a lot longer than youand we want to help you:’

25 Some will say, “I’m cautiously excited about your ministry.” Others will try the sly approach: “We just want to help you. If you’d come and sit under our ministry, wed help you be great:’ (They don’t have a ministry.) Others will flatter you and try to get you to agree with them against another minister. (That’s touching the anointing, Ps. 105:15.)

If young ministers don’t recognize these words from religious politicians as an attack of the devil, it may hold back or totally annihilate their ministry—because there is great power in words.