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He Will Guide You Into All Victory

He Will Guide You into All Victory

“Howbeit when He, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).

All truth is another way of saying all victory. The Holy Spirit will never guide you into defeat! He will always guide you into victory, success, accomplishment, abundant life, soundness, happiness, and security–both in the spirit and in the natural. He’ll tell you what decisions to make in business so you won’t go broke every other month.

He’ll tell you who not to do business with so you can have peace of mind when you go home to kiss your wife and hug the kids. He’ll tell you whether your $20,000 investment is going to profit you or whether you’re going to lose it all. He’ll tell you what house to buy, when to buy it, and how much to pay! When the Holy Spirit is helping you, you’ll get a good deal, no matter what the real estate agents have to say about it!

The Holy Spirit will show you what to do in every circumstance of life. He will even show you where to have a nice vacation! Sometimes He will say, “No, don’t go there this year; go here instead.” That happened to me. I was going to visit some friends and take a little vacation, and the Holy Spirit said, “No, don’t go there at this time; it’s not right. Go some place else.” He didn’t tell me where to go. He just told me go somewhere else. I had a great vacation that year, too. I really enjoyed it. If I had disobeyed the Holy Spirit, I probably would have ended up in the middle of some difficulty. I didn’t ask the Holy Spirit why He wanted me to go somewhere else, because I really didn’t want to know. I just obeyed Him and had a good time.

Why The Devil Does Not Want You To Speak In Tongues
By: Roberts Liardon