Leadership - Rick Joyner - Spiritual Warfare

Accusations Against “Forgiven Sins’ of Ministers in the Body of Christ

Hello friends,

I just wanted to share a few thoughts.

My heart goes out to ALL those affected and influenced by the wave of accusations against the ministries being named and highlighted in the media. Do I believe God is cleaning His house, yes I do. Do I believe it’s God’s will to be aired out in the media? No, I don’t! But- that is what is happening.

People have been hurt (in the past) and now people are being hurt by bad reports. I am only going to say that I dont believe God is going back 20 years to pull up old” forgiven” sins in order to clean house today. I believe the “accusational spirit” is running wild. I also look at people’s opinion of attending church… there are more ‘somebody done me wrong’ songs than a person can keep up with. And, sadly, very few praises coming from the ‘faithful’ that attend church. Where is their testimony? Where is their praise? Where is their stands to support those under fire?


Look, throughout history things like this has been the standard way of doing things. Group mindsets get on a roll and soon you’re back to the crusades. So, my points is this: now what?

What’s for us to do?

For any of you who are getting nervous and scared because you’re feeling no one is safe… don’t give up. For those
of you training for the ministry, dont get nervous. Keep answering your call.
I’ve heard it said that’s not safe out there… that if
you go into the ministry somebody is going to tear your family apart. What I havent heard is that God will protect His own. Hear His voice and obey to the best you can and He’s got your back.

Trust Him!

Below is a short video by Rick Joyner about accusations and such. He starts off talking about Sadhu Sundar, but shortly after getting started (about 4 minutes or so) he begins to shift into the price of being an accuser.
