Roberts Liardon: Walk in the Glory

I’ve got a question for you: How could Kathryn Kuhlman get up in front of 10,000 people—many of whom were skeptics, negative, curiosity-seekers, or devil-possessed—and while they were sitting there without a bit of faith, they got healed? Their healing didn’t depend on their faith. It was because Miss Kuhlman obeyed God and walked in the glory.

Anyone can stand up and sound spiritualbut only those who pray and seek the face of God will come out with the Word of the Lord. You in the ministry need to get the power so that when you speak, it’s God who is speaking, not you giving your little seven-point prosperity sermon.

If you don’t get the true glory, you don’t have a ministry. If you don’t get the true power, nothing will happen. If you don’t get the true Word of God, you have nothing to say. Quit trying to make everyone believe you’re in a deep spiritual realm when you’re really in a shallow one!